Testa il tuo livello di inglese

Utilizza questo test per conoscere il tuo livello di inglese e capire quale certificazione acquistare. Se vuoi scoprire quali sono le certificazioni del Centro Formazione Agape, clicca sul bottone in basso. Completa il test e ricevi un fantastico sconto!


Domanda 1 / 20

This kind of music is very popular ___ young people at the moment.

Domanda 2 / 20

Wow! The dinner was fantastic! Can I help you with the _____?

Domanda 3 / 20

Hey! This is Susan's book so it's not ___!

Domanda 4 / 20

I know what that word means! I looked ____ in my dictionary.

Domanda 5 / 20

Don't touch this bracelet, it's ___!

Domanda 6 / 20

The worst holiday ____ was when we went camping.

Domanda 7 / 20

Let's go to the cinema ___ Wednesday!

Domanda 8 / 20

How long ___ in New York, then?

Domanda 9 / 20

When she hears a sad story she starts crying because she is very ___.

Domanda 10 / 20

Look! Smoke is coming out of the ____. The chicken is burning!

Domanda 11 / 20

You ____ park here! It's forbidden!

Domanda 12 / 20

Guest: You should go sometime. You could try your ____ at the casino.

Domanda 13 / 20

Don't buy these cakes, they're full of ___.

Domanda 14 / 20

____ are you from - I'm from France.

Domanda 15 / 20

I'm on a new diet so I prefer to eat ___ food.

Domanda 16 / 20

He ____ tennis since 1995.

Domanda 17 / 20

Receptionist: I need some information from you to complete the check-in ____.

Domanda 18 / 20

This is not so bad after all, it could have been ____.

Domanda 19 / 20

Do you believe that a fortune teller can really ___ your future?

Domanda 20 / 20

Anthony is getting old, he can't run ___ he did.



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